NOTE 1: Seismic-stratigraphic analysis indicates an unconformity — the C10 reflector — separating Plio-Pleistocene from Miocene strata in well 164/25-2. Although biostratigraphic resolution in this well is not definitive, the available data suggest that the Plio-Pleistocene section is predominantly NN16 and younger in age, whereas the underlying sediments are largely of Miocene age. From regional evidence, an erosional hiatus spanning the NN13–15 biozones is here inferred.
NOTE 2: C20 is a basinal reflector and has no physical expression on the margin of the basins, nor on intrabasinal highs, such as seamounts.
NOTE 3: The biostratigraphic ranges shown for the four boreholes on the Malin Slope and North & West Porcupine Slope are based on shipboard analyses of foraminifera, correlated to nannofossil zones, and are therefore subject to revision upon integration with nannofossil analyses (in preparation).