The Neogene stratigraphy of the glaciated European margin from Lofoten to Porcupine

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] [ Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

WP1 ] Figure 18 ] WP2 ] Figure 19 ] WP3 ] Figure 20 ]


This section presents a summary of the megasequences that comprise the Miocene to lower Pliocene succession on the Atlantic margin of NW Europe. These stratigraphic units consist of the Kai Formation (Fig. 18), FSN-2 Megasequence (Fig. 19) and RPb Megasequence (Fig. 20). The definition of the stratigraphic terms together with a listing of the key boreholes and well sections used in this study is presented below. All depths are below sea bed. Other sample sites that have previously been used for descriptive purposes to this part of the stratigraphic section are also indicated below should the reader require further specific lithostratigraphic information.

Kai Formation

Name: Defined by Dalland et al. (1988), the name is Norwegian word for quay.

Key borehole/well sections:

ODP 642: 65.7–278m
34/8-3A: 718–858m
6607/5-1: 1654–2082m

NB: well 6407/1-2 was previously quoted by Dalland et al. (1988) as the well type section.

FSN-2 Megasequence

Name: Named by GEUS and BGS. The upper-case notation (FSN) stands for Faroe–Shetland Neogene; the number (2) represents the specific megasequence.

Key borehole/well sections:

214/4-1: 300–500m
BGS 90/3: 66.28–96m
BGS 77/7: 47.5–110.2m

NB: wells 202/8-1 and 208/15-1A were utilised by Stoker (1999) to describe this section, which was previously termed the Lower Nordland unit on the West Shetland margin. 

RPb Megasequence

Name: Named by BGS, UCD and Royal NIOZ. The upper-case notation (RP) stands for Rockall–Porcupine; the lower-case letter (b) represents the specific megasequence.

Key borehole/well sections:

DSDP 610: 208–670m (loosely defined, see Fig. 20)
164/25-2: 576–711m
BGS 88/7,7A: 89.25–92.1m


Dalland, A., Worsley, D. & Ofstad, K. 1988. A lithostratigraphic scheme for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession offshore mid- and northern Norway. NPD-Bulletin No. 4 (Stavanger, Norway).

Stoker, M.S. 1999. Stratigraphic nomenclature of the UK North West Margin. 3. Mid- to late Cenozoic stratigraphy. British Geological Survey, Edinburgh.


WP1 ] Figure 18 ] WP2 ] Figure 19 ] WP3 ] Figure 20 ]

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] [ Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

This page was Last updated 17 September 2002