The Neogene stratigraphy of the glaciated European margin from Lofoten to Porcupine

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

WP1 ] WP2 ] WP3 ]

Geoseismic Panel 4 ] Geoseismic Panel 5 ] [ Geoseismic Panel 6 ]


Geoseismic panel 6

This geoseismic profile comprises conventional, multichannel 2D seismic and lies almost entirely within Faroese waters. The line lies to the NW of the axis of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, and follows the present day main depocentres of the FSN-2 megasequence. The distribution, geometry, thickness and seismic facies of the Neogene sediments are well illustrated with the subdivision of the FSN-2 unit, and slump deposits and fan sands of the FSN-1 unit clearly seen. 

Megasequence FSN-2 reaches a maximum thickness of approximately 600ms TWTT at the southwestern edge of the North Sea Fan complex. Within the Faroe–Shetland region, the unit thickens northeastwards towards the Fugloy Ridge, which lies to the NE of this line. Once across the ridge this northeasterly thickening trend is not continued. SW of the East Faroe High, FSN-2 sediments are thinned or absent and beyond the Munkagrunnur Ridge FSN-2 sediments are absent in this profile. The megasequence may be split into an upper and lower sequence along the length of this profile. 

The upper FSN-2a unit is largely absent from the SW section of the line and varies in seismic character from highs to basinal areas. In the basinal areas FSN-2a deposits display a parallel internal reflector pattern, whereas across regional highs, truncations are common. FSN-2b sediments are areally extensive, but show marked variations in thickness, particularly where the Intra-Miocene Unconformity is erosive and truncates the unit. Across the East Faroe High post-depositional folding is evident, and oblique reflection patterns on the east Faroe Shelf are indicative of fan deposits. 

FSN-1 deposits are at their thickest in depositional centres to the NE of the structural high associated with the ?Westray Transfer Zone and in the far NE of the profile, as part of the North Sea Fan. Here, in the NE, the slump deposits of the Miller Slide can be clearly seen. Maximum thickness achieved is approximately 300ms TWTT. The Sandoy Fan is also located on the profile, the fan being comprised of accumulated glacigenic debris flows sourced from the Faroe Shelf. Overall the seismic signature of the FSN-1 unit is complex, reflecting an origin of interbedded glacial deposits and hemipelagics, overlying older Pliocene prograding wedges and sediment drift deposits.


Geoseismic Panel 4 ] Geoseismic Panel 5 ] [ Geoseismic Panel 6 ]

WP1 ] WP2 ] WP3 ]

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

This page was Last updated 18 September 2002