This multichannel seismic profile shows the distribution, geometry, thickness and seismic facies of the Cenozoic sediments on the Møre continental slope. Note how the Cenozoic succession thins across the buried structural high of the Møre Marginal High.
In this profile, the Kai Formation ranges from about 100–700ms TWTT, being thinnest over the Møre Marginal High. Some of this thinning may be due to erosion associated with the formation of the Base Naust Unconformity. In contrast to the acoustically layered internal character adjacent to the upper slope
(panel 1), the Kai Formation here displays a predominantly transparent texture.
The overlying Naust Formation ranges from about 300–1200ms TWTT on this part of the slope, and is dominated by a complex of stacked, acoustically transparent, lensoid debris-flow deposits that largely form the North Sea Fan. This major prograding wedge developed in front of the Norwegian Channel, and represents a major depocentre that developed from the drainage of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. |