The Neogene stratigraphy of the glaciated European margin from Lofoten to Porcupine

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

WP1 ] [ Figure 24 ] WP2 ] Figure 25 ] WP3 ] Figure 26 ]


North Sea–Møre margin

Vøring Margin

Naust O (glacigenic)
Tampen Slide Unit
Naust P' (glacigenic/gravity flows)
Naust P (glacigenic)
Naust Q (hemipelagic/gravity flows)
Møre Slide Unit
Naust R (glacigenic)
Naust S (hemipelagic dominated)

Naust A1(hemipelagic/glacigenic)
Naust A2 (hemipelagic/glacigenic)
Naust B (glacigenic)
Naust C (glacigenic)
Naust D (glacigenic)

Lofoten Contourite Drift
Nyk Contourite Drift

High-resolution seismic-stratigraphic units on the Mid-Norwegian continental margin.
No correlation implied between margins.

Distribution of sample sites and profiles shown in figure 24






Figure 24. Middle Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphy of the North Sea Fan–Vøring region

Source of data for range chart

  1. Sejrup, H.P., Aarseth, I., Haflidason, H., Løvlie, R., Bratten, Å., Tjøstheim, G., Forsberg, C.F. & Ellingsen, K.I. 1995. Quaternary of the Norwegian Channel: glaciation history and palaeoceanography. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 75, 65-87.

  2. Sejrup, H.P., Larsen, E., Landvik, J., King, E.L., Haflidason, H. & Nesje, A. 2000. Quaternary glaciations in southern Fennoscandia: evidence from southwestern Norway and the northern North Sea region. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19, 667-685.

  3. Haflidason, H., Hjønnevåg, M. & Nygård, A. 2001. The Ormen Lange Geotechincal/Geological Borings 2000: Chronological and lithological analysis of boreholes 6305/5 (Site 99), 6305/5 (Site 22), 6305/8 (Site19_2), 6305/9 (Site 20), OB1 and OB2. Report to Norsk Hydro, Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Bergen. Report No. 100-02/01, 72 pp. 

  4. Haflidason, H., Iversen, M. & Løvlie, R. 1998. Møre and Vøring Basin geological investigation: lithological and chronological analyses of the geotechnical borings. Report, University of Bergen, 50pp.

  5. Eldholm, O., Thiede, J., Taylor, E., et al. 1987. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 104: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1141pp.

  6. Talwani, M., Udintsev, G., et al. 1976. Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 38. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office), 1256 p.

  7. King, L.H., Rokoengen, K. & Gunleiksrud, T. 1987. Quaternary seismostratigraphy of the Mid Norwegian shelf, 65°–67° 30´N — A till tongue stratigraphy. The Continental Shelf and Petroleum Research Institute A/S (IKU), Publication 114, Trondheim, Norway, 58 pp. 

Time scale

Martinson, D.G., Pisias, N.G., Hays, J.D., Imbrie, J., Moore, T.C., Jr. & Shackleton, N.J. 1987. Age dating and the orbital theory of the ice ages; development of a high-resolution 0 to 300,000-year chronostratigraphy. Quaternary Research, 27, 1-29.

Williams, D.F., Thunell, R.C., Tappa, E., Rio, D. & Raffi, I. 1988. Chronology of the Pleistocene oxygen isotope record; 0–1.88 m.y. B.P. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 64, 221-240.


WP1 ] [ Figure 24 ] WP2 ] Figure 25 ] WP3 ] Figure 26 ]

Preface ] Introduction ] Unified Stratigraphy ] Pre-Neogene Framework ] Miocene to Lower Pliocene ] Lower Pliocene To Holocene ] High-Resolution Stratigraphy ] Key Geoseismic Sections ]

This page was Last updated 20 September 2002


WP1 ] [ Figure 24 ] WP2 ] Figure 25 ] WP3 ] Figure 26 ]